Monday, December 8, 2014

Happy 34th Birthday Sherita!!!-The Interview

We were finally able to catch up with Sherita for a Birthday Interview!  We are honored and privileged to speak  to this beautiful woman of God!  Happy 34th Birthday!

Melanie: For this 34th year do you have any big plans you are excited for?
Sherita: I would love to head to New York! I am very open and excited to see what the Lord has instore for me.

Melanie: What did you decide to do for your birthday this year around?
Sherita: I decided to go to a Christian concert  in Roosevelt and took my good friend Danielle Salaz.  We went to see Capital King's son's daughter and Crowder.  It was awesome and made by birthday memorable.

Melanie: Is there a song from Crowder that you would recommend to the young people?
Sherita: "My Beloved" Its upbeat yet has a country techno beat feel to it. "This I Know" is another one.

Melanie:  Who introduced you to Crowder
Sherita:  Heard a song called "I Am" on K- Luv.

Melanie: What are your favorite colors?
Sherita: Till, Purple, Black, Red

Melanie:  We understand you are an avid reader.  What types of books do you enjoy?
Sherita:  Romance....the last book recommended to me was "His and Hers"

Melanie:  Any words of wisdom for the young people to help encourage them?
Sherita:  It helps to have people around you that have strong convictions to God. We falter sometimes but always remember that there is nothing better than God.  He's waiting for you to have that relationship with Him.  Does not matter what anybody says...don't let people hinder you from loving God.  "Sould Out!

Melanie:  Thanks Sherita for you time and your wonderful advice to the young people!  Happy Birthday...and may God bless you with many more!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Happy Birthday Melissa Bekele!!!! The Birthday Interview

Happy 30th Birthday Melissa Bekele!  S.W.A.T recently caught up with her at the Light of the World  for an interview!  Enjoy as we sit down and chat and learn about one of the coolest young ladies at the Light.

How Old are you?
Melissa: 30 years old.

 Whats your favorite color?
Melissa: Black

What is your favorite food?
Melissa: Ethiopian Food

What is are your favorite hobbies?
Melissa: Reading and Fashion

What is your favorite TV Show?
Melissa: "Parks and Recreation"

What are you looking forward to most at the age of 30?
Melissa: Finishing school, and moving forward aftewards

What advice would you give for young people trying to stay in church?
Melissa:  Keep your focus on God. Keeping your focus off of distractions will keep you. Always remain faithful to God and keep a tight relationship with Him.

What did you do for you birthday?
Melissa: I went to Disneyland

What is the most memorable moment in your life?
Melissa:  I have memorable moments and those are the ones best spent with my friends and family.

Who in life inspires you the most?
Melissa:  My mother

Thanks Melissa for your time with us!  We wish you a Happy Birthday and may God bless you with many more!!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Youth Sunday October 26th.....Costumes Off---Dealing with the Real You!

Come join us Sunday at the Light of the World!  S.W.A.T. deals with the person under the mask!

S.W.A.T. Breakfast Club!!!

L.O.W. Young People grubbn on some French Toast!

Happy 16th Birthday Matthew

Happy 16th Birthday to Matthew Baity! Matthew Baity, is a young man who has confidence, goals, and a love for God.  He among some of the Light of the Worlds most self driven young people. He is also an awesome lyricist.  We caught up with Matthew at the Walkathon to get more incite into who he is and what keeps him going strong in Christ. We have a birthday interview with him below.

What's your favorite hobby?
Matthew: Video games and basketball

What's your favorite food?
Matthew: Chile Verde Burrito

What's your favorite color?
Matthew: Blue

Who is your favorite team:
 Matthew:  Miami Heat

What advice would you give to young people trying to stay in church today?
Matthew: Endure....Don't get distracted. There are alot of distractions but if you remember that the ultimate goal is heaven....that will get you to the promise land.

What are you looking forward to the most at the age of 16?
Matthew:  Driving, going farther in Christ

What is your most memorable moment outside of church?
Matthew:  Going to Magic Mountain with my family in 2010.  Fun time!

Any major goals for the age of 16?
Matthew: To do well on my S.A.T. Test

Thanks Matthew for your team...May God continue to shine on you....Happy Birthday!

Tyrone Gibson

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Seek God Early

READ | Psalm 63:1-8 

You have surely heard the saying that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. A similar concept applies to our hearts and minds. The fuel that we give them each morning greatly affects the remainder of the day. Think of time in God’s Word, prayer, and meditation as spiritual nourishment for your relationship with the Lord.
David began his day with God. In Psalm 63, he described seeking the Lord early (the literal translation of earnestly). He woke up ravenous for His Creator, and after filling his yearning soul with the fullness of God, he broke out in praise and thanksgiving to the Lord. Even when night came, he was still thinking about His heavenly Father as he lay in bed.
Just imagine having a day like that—filled with joy and gratitude to God. This is possible when we set apart the beginning of our day to spend with the Lord, listening to Him speak through His Word and talking to Him in prayer. Our blessing will be even richer when we stay mindful of God throughout the day and into the night—contemplating who He is and how He works. Seeking the Lord not only fills our empty souls; it also increases our hunger for more of Him.
Do you find it a struggle to set apart time with the Lord each morning? Lifelong habits begin with baby steps, not grand, overwhelming resolutions. Start today—set aside fifteen minutes just one morning. Try this for a few days, and see if the Lord begins to satisfy your soul and increase your hunger for Him.

Monday, October 13, 2014

The Light of the World Youth have finally chosen a name!!!

The Light of the World Youth have finally chosen a name.  Now let us unite as young people and raid Satan with the Joy of the Lord in praise and worship!!!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The LOW youth visit The Haunted House on October 24th....join us if you dare!!!

  Are you Scared???God has not given us the Spirit of Fear......!
L.O.W YOUTH Department
Presents a trip to
      World's Largest Haunted House

Time/Date: 7:00 pm, October 24th 2014
Location: Santa Clara County Fairgrounds 344 Tully Rd. San Jose, CA 95111

“All Youth are invited”
  • Adult admission: $22.00
  • Children 12 and under: $20.00
         FREE Parking

If you need a ride please see Min. Tyrone or Sis . Melanie in advance.


World's Largest Haunted House reserves the right to refuse admission to anyone.You will experience extreme audio and lighting,extreme low vision,strobe lights,fog,damp or wet conditions and is a physical demanding environment.You should not participate if you are pregnant,suffer from claustrophobia,pron to seizures,heart or respiratory problems.You will not be admitted if you appear to be intoxicated.No photography or video allowed.No smoking,drinking,or eating.No cutting in line,running,touching props and DO NOT TOUCH THE ACTORS.If you violate these rules you will be escorted out.There are no refunds.Enter at you own risk.

Happy 14th Birthday Aaron Young: INTERVIEW

Happy Birthday Aaron!  Here are a few questions we would like to ask you.....

What is one word that describes you?
Aaron: "DaBomb!"

What are your favorite activities?

Aaron: Video games and drawing

Whats your favorite food?

Aaron: Hamburgers

Whats your favorite color?

Aaron: Purple

What is your favorite show?
Aaron: The Walking Dead

Whats your favorite book?
Percy Jackson

What is your favorite season?
Aaron: Fall, Thanksgiving day

What is your most memerable time with family and friends?
The trip to the Grand Canyon

What is your message of encouragement to the young people of your generation?
Aaron: Always Love God, and Always Trust him

Saturday, October 4, 2014